Additional Water Treatment Programs
HydroTech partners with best in-class suppliers to offer supplemental and complementary water treatment programs to provide a single source for all of our customer’s water treatment needs.

Closed Loop Treatment Programs
HydroTech offers both nitrite and silicate based treatment programs with or without azoles for yellow metal, depending upon the application. Chemistry can be provided either in solid or liquid form.
Solid or Liquid
Closed Loop Programs
Reverse Osmosis Anti-scalant Inhibitors and Membrane Cleaners
HydroTech partners with the leading supplier of reverse osmosis anti-scalants and membrane cleaners. Utilizing proprietary projection software, HydroTech can tailor the anti-scalant program to maximize recovery and/or uptime, often eliminating the need for acid or caustic dosing to meet recovery or TDS targets.
? Membrane autopsies are available with spectroscopic analysis to determine root causes of scale or biofouling.
RO Projections
Membrane Autopsies
Water and Wastewater Coagulants and Polymers
Our greatest advantage is our superior product line, tested in real world applications. Coupled with the expertise of our partners, our mission is to help you reduce operating costs while increasing reliability. Talk to your HydroTech about our complete line of water and wastewater products today and a risk-free survey of your operations.
Water and
Wastewater Applications